Group Classes

Group Classes are general dance classes that are social and fun for all ages, levels, and abilities.


‘Fun For All, All for Fun!’

Description: The C2D Studio ‘Group Classes’ are designed to develop creativity ts are Low Commitment/ General Group Classes: Fun for All Ages, Abilities, & Levels. Class size ratios are 3:1 with volunteers and professional assistants allowed to participate with dancers of all levels. Studio  dancers receive 2 performance opportunities a year (December Production & May Annual Showcase) to showcase their abilities and talents to friends, family, and the community. Through the exploration of movement, dancers will learn appreciation and passion for the arts as well as basic traveling steps, turns, leaps, dance terminology, as well as the infusion of classical dance technique.This is not a competitive program.

*Dancers who require 1-1 assistance may have to pay an additional cost per class for a personal helper, if parent/ caretaker are not available.

Program Details:

‘Creative Movement’ & ‘Specialty Styles’

Class must have 3 dancers enrolled to hold weekly dance classes

Dancers may take more than 1 class per week

Caregivers/ Parent may participate in class as needed

Group Class Cost:

$50/ Month + CC % processing fees (1 class)

+$5 off for each additionally registered class

*All C2D studio programs are based on a general recommended age range.

**Classes may have dancers of various ages in any given class due to the individualized needs of the dancer.

Creative Movement (Ages 5-11)

Creative Movement ‘Group Classes,’ strengthen a child’s imagination and enables them to experience the beauty of life with a greater meaning. Creative Movement develops coordination and self-expression through simple dance movement and music. This class uses a wide variety of music, props, and balancing techniques.Their visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile senses are engaged as they learn about their body and the space around them through these fun, encouraging, and engaging classes.

Flyer of the Creative Movement weekly class schedule. A Blue background with pictures of dancers ages 5-11.

Specialty Styles (Ages 12+)

Dancers may choose a style based on their interest. Specialty Style, ‘Group Classes’ include: Ballet, Hip Hop, Musical Theater, Tik Tok Class, Line Dancing, Zumba, and More!

C2D Specialty Styles are general dance classes in a non-competitive environment, providing experiences that strengthens every area of learning. Dancers of all levels, abilities, and learning styles may participate in these classes. Dancers may have a parent/ caretaker participate during class time if/as needed.

Flyer of Chance 2 Dance Group Classes, Specialty Styles class schedule. A blue background with photos of teenaged, young adult and adult dancers.